Doctor Knowall

Updated: 08 Oct, 2024


This bedtime story is about a simple man named Hans takes on the title “Doctor Knowall,” leading him on an unexpected journey of luck, wit, and a bit of deception as he stumbles into the role of a wise doctor.

In short, if you are clever and intelligent then you can handle and cover many difficulties.

Doctor Knowall -Let’s Read

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a humble but clever farmer named Albert. Though he had little wealth, he was known for his wit and curiosity.

Albert spent most of his days tending his small farm with his wife, Marie, but he secretly longed for more. He dreamed of being respected by the villagers and living a life of comfort.

One evening, while chatting with Marie, he said, “If only I were rich, people would listen to me. I’d like to be a doctor, you know—like the ones people go to when they have problems.”

Marie chuckled, “Then why don’t you just become one? Call yourself ‘Doctor Knowall.’ People believe in titles, and you have plenty of common sense!”

The idea sparked something in Albert, and he decided to give it a try. The next morning, he went to the tailor and ordered a long, impressive coat to look like a real doctor.

He hung a shingle on his door that read, “Doctor Knowall” in bold letters, and soon enough, the villagers took notice.

People began to come to him with their small ailments and troubles, and he listened thoughtfully, often giving simple remedies or advice.

One day, a wealthy nobleman arrived at Albert’s door. The nobleman was in great distress. “Doctor Knowall, I have a terrible problem. My treasure has been stolen, and I suspect one of my servants has taken it. I’m offering a grand reward for anyone who can find it!”

Gthering In A Hall

Albert, nervous but determined, agreed to help. The nobleman led him to his grand estate, where his servants awaited in fear. Thinking quickly, Albert looked at each servant carefully. Then he declared, “Tonight, I will discover who the thief is. I’ll return in the morning with the answer!”

That evening, as Albert lay in the nobleman’s guest room, he grew anxious, unsure of what to do. However, he had an idea.

Quote of the Day

True wisdom isn’t in titles, but in the courage to see things others overlook.

He called for the servants and said, “Tomorrow, each of you will bring a chicken to the main hall. I will make the guilty chicken cry out when it touches the thief.”

The next morning, the servants nervously gathered in the main hall, each holding a chicken. Albert examined each chicken in turn, watching the reactions of the servants.

One servant, in particular, seemed extremely nervous and avoided eye contact.

Albert noticed this and boldly pointed at him, “This man is the thief! The way he reacts tells me the truth.”

The nobleman gasped, and upon further questioning, the nervous servant confessed, returning the stolen treasure.

At the End

The nobleman was overjoyed and rewarded Albert handsomely.

From that day forward, Albert continued his life as Doctor Knowall, helping the villagers with advice and practical wisdom, earning not just their respect but also their friendship.

Rubeena Kanwal

Rubeena Kanwal

I am a creative content writer and SEO expert with a passion for creating high-quality, optimized content that drives traffic and engagement. With extensive experience in WordPress CMS, I specialize in crafting compelling blog posts, articles, and web copy that rank well in search engines. Whether you're looking to boost your online presence or improve your site's visibility, I can help you achieve your goals with tailored strategies and effective content.

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